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Apply for Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering

1. Where did you first learn about the ad? *

  •   University of Gävle website
  •   Intranet
  •   Facebook/instagram
  •   Linkedin
  •   Personal contacts
  •   Other, specify where;

2. I have a PhD in Mechanical engineering or equivalent, with a specialization in: *

  •  Product design
  •  Production technology
  •  Quality technology
  •  Other orientation

3. I have attached University degrees and other relevant academic qualifications (mandatory) *

  •  Yes (Desired/qualifying answer)
  •  No

4. I have attached a course certificate for higher education pedagogical training (mandatory) *

  •  Yes (Desired/qualifying answer)
  •  No

5. I have attached proof of my teaching experience (mandatory) *

  •  Yes (Desired/qualifying answer)
  •  No

6. I have attached specifically cited scientific work, such as, for example, publications (mandatory) *

  •  Yes (Desired/qualifying answer)
  •  No

7. I have attached information on external research grants received (mandatory) *

  •  Yes (Desired/qualifying answer)
  •  No

8. I have attached information on the supervision of doctoral students (mandatory) *

  •  Yes (Desired/qualifying answer)
  •  No
Accepted file types: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Max file size: 40MB
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Attached CV: Download
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