Högskolan i Gävle

About the workplace

The vision of University of Gävle is to be the first choice for all who want to make a difference. We offer around 60 study programmes and 300 freestanding courses in the fields of the humanities, health care and medicine, social and natural sciences and technology. University of Gävle is one of the most popular university colleges in Sweden (applicants per place). We have around 16 000 students, 750 employees, and our campus is concentrated in space in beautiful surroundings.

The university focuses on four strategic research areas - sustainable urban development, health promotion, innovative learning and intelligent industry.

We offer

- the opportunity to work at one of Sweden's most beautiful universities,

- a workplace with many employment benefits,

- a university that actively works on issues such as our common working environment, clear working conditions and gender equality and equal opportunities.

The Department of Caring Sciences, hereby announce an educational position at the doctoral level (240 credits) with a doctoral degree in caring sciences as its final outcome; the project “Implementation of the work-oriented intervention Can-Work-S during curative cancer therapy, for a health-promoting working life”.

Work-related tasks and responsibilities

The person accepted for a doctoral educational position will mainly spend their time conducting scientific projects, as well as complete courses equivalent to at least 60 credits. S/he is also expected to write a doctoral thesis, equivalent to 180 credits. The doctoral student may also teach and do administrative work, not exceeding 20 percent of full-time. This will extend the time frame of the doctoral education equivalently. The doctoral student will be expected to carry out the majority of their work in Gävle, and to take part in faculty activities such as seminars and meetings, while parts of the work may be performed on distance.

The overall purpose of the doctoral project is to describe and analyze the implementation process of the work-oriented intervention Can-Work-S, based on the perspective of people treated for cancer, cancer care professionals, and other parties involved in the intervention. During the project, the doctoral student will to a large extent collaborate and work together with other researchers and staff of relevance to people who have or have had a cancer disease, as well as with the target population and close relatives. The doctoral student will handle different types of contacts with research participants and carry out data collections using questionnaires and interviews.

The doctoral student will participate in a research environment that has been developed within the framework of one of the University of Gävle's strategic research programs, Inclusive Working Life, in close collaboration with various parties from the surrounding society. The doctoral student will be connected to the third-cycle qualification area of Health-promoting worklife, and will be admitted within the doctoral subject of Caring science. The communal research environment will also include doctoral students within other subjects. 

The main supervisor for the doctoral project is Anna Efverman, associate professor


In order to possess basic eligibility for doctoral-level studies, a person is required to have a second-cycle (”advanced level”) degree, or to have completed courses consisting of at least 240 credits, of which 60 must be second-cycle level, or to have acquired equivalent knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or in another country. The university may allow exceptions to the requirement of basic eligibility for an individual applicant, if there are special reasons for this. The eligibility must have been obtained by the application deadline.

The nature of the work requires a well-developed ability to work independently as well as in a team, and good oral and written communication skills in Swedish and English. As a doctoral student, you must possess the will to seek new knowledge and be able to discuss and explain your research to those who are not active in your own field, both nationally and internationally. For this educational position at the doctoral level, it is considered a special merit to have a specialist nursing degree. Additionally, it is of special merit basic education in the field of health care, experience in cancer care/cancer rehabilitation, interventions as well as development/implementation processes.

The selection of applicants for an educational position is made on the basis of a total assessment of the applicant’s ability to benefit from the education. The selection procedure is based on the following criteria for assessing the applicants:

  • Formal eligibility to be accepted for doctoral education
  • Relevance and scope of educational background
  • The quality of the application
  • The quality of the applicant’s essays, degree projects or equivalent work
  • Research-related work experience, with regards to both quantity and contents, and/or other work experience relevant to the doctoral education
  • Competence and direction in relation to the specific educational position
  • Ability to benefit from doctoral education, on the basis of submitted documents, interviews and, where relevant, tests and assignments
  • Ability to contribute to the scientific environment where the doctoral education will take place
  • Assessments collected from references

The fact that an applicant is considered eligible to have their previous education or work experience recognised for the education may not give that applicant an advantage over others in the selection process (HF 7 ch 41 §).

Terms and conditions

The employment is a doctoral student employment, please see the Higher Education Ordinance SFS 1993:100, chapter 5, for more information.

The position is full-time with start date 240901, or in accordance with individual agreement. The workplace is in Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Caring sciences.

Applications for an educational position must be supplemented by a

  • curriculum vitae
  • document proving your basic eligibility
  • list of persons serving as references
  • verified copies of earlier work (for example, thesis, any previous scientific publications) as well as other documentation you wish to refer to

For applicants with degrees from a foreign university: Authorised translations of all documentation in Swedish or English must be submitted, unless the documents were originally written in Norwegian, Danish or English. For more information regarding documentation requirements please visit https://hig.se/Ext/En/University-of-Gavle/Research/Doctoral-education.html

The applicant is responsible for submitting a complete application in accordance with this announcement, and for submitting it to the university in time for the application deadline.


Maria Lindberg, Head of Dept of Caring Sciences, maria.lindberg@hig.se

Anna Efverman, Associate professor, programme coordinator Inclusive Working Life, anna.efverman.hig.se

All persons can be reached via 026-64 85 00

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Start date 240901, or in accordance with individual agreement
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Gävle
County Gävleborgs län
Country Sweden
Reference number HIG-STÖD 2024/155
Union representative
  • Maria Savela, SACO-S, 026-648500(vxl)
  • Kia Sundberg-Kimhag, Sveriges Lärare, 026-648500(vxl)
  • Annette Gustafsson, Fackförbundet ST, 026-648500(vxl)
Published 23.Apr.2024
Last application date 19.May.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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